Mylinkie in Mobile

The functional and responsive working of Mylinkie finds dedicated standalone applications for iOS and Android users via Google Play Store and Appstore.


Mylinkie Knowledge Base

A space to explicate few things as you get started with Mylinkie

Bio Link Generation

The bio link is a clickable URL that you can add to your Instagram profile. Mylinkie helps create bio links that include user biography and work details that take followers to your product page, website, blog, or any page.

Instagram Bio

An Instagram Bio is a limited character description about you under your username. A Bio is a chance to let people know who you are and what you do. Your Instagram Bio should convey your work with brand personality and let the audience know that they have landed at the right place.

Multi Facet Layout

Mylinkie gives you the freedom to choose from several templates, fonts, and colors. Using these customizations, you can craft a whole new incredible-looking bio link that you can completely design as per your choice.

Link Tracker

The user tracking system in Mylinkie does its work by fetching you clicks and statistics of users visiting your link each day. This tracker calculates your profile popularity and the number of people who love your profile.

Leap Link

In any case of website downtime, the Leap Link assists in its redirection to an alternate responsive site to which the user traffic can be diverted for the set duration. The traffic is back to the original link once the site is up and working.

Multiple Templates

The theme template options leave users spoilt for choices. The mind-blowing themes are worth looking for, with yet another option for users to pick images from their library.

Link Scheduler

Link Scheduler works for a stipulated amount of time predetermined by the user. The user has a choice to divert traffic from the original link to an alternate one for a fixed time.

Overview Customization

Mylinkie offers customization of the layout overview for the links generated, with an option to choose from the numerous theme designs, colors, and fonts. The bio is completely customizable as per user choice.

Optimize Instagram Traffic

Mylinkie offers you the best tips and tricks to build a bio link that helps users to generate maximum traffic. Whether you are a blogger or an entrepreneur, you get one bio link to house all the content you’re driving followers to.
Drag and Drop Editor

Links in the bio can be manipulated for various assortments and arrangements using the drag and drop feature. This is absolutely easy to work on and time-saving too.

Statistics Display

The analysis of users visiting your link is done for better optimization. The data is shown in a graphical format with visitor data depicting daily, weekly, and monthly user visits.

Customized Structure

The Mini Site lets you perform ample operations on your profile to make it look and perform the best. You have space to include both formal and informal data thereby boosting maximum traffic to your content.

Link Prioritization

Your bio link may contain various links connected to your genre. Mylinkie allows you to prioritize your links as per your choice, drag them on top or highlight them using the available color schemes.